Sunday, September 14, 2008

Face-To-Face as a Last Resort?

It is amazing how much computer mediated communications (CMC) has impacted our lives, and how dependent people have become on it. Ironically enough, I was reminded of this by a Facebook bumper sticker. (Bumper stickers are a Facebook application which allows members to send “bumper stickers” usually of pictures or messages to friends.) This particular bumper sticker is a picture of a comic strip that says, “If we can’t solve it via e-mail, IM, texting, faxing, or phone calls, let’s resort to meeting in person.” I realize that like most Facebook bumper stickers it was meant to be silly. However, it is often the truth for a lot of people, at least to some extent, or it would have not have been subject to humor.
It seems more and more often that face-to-face communication is becoming a last resort. This may be especially true for many young people. I have personally experienced this because many of my friends exclusively use text messages to communicate with me. Also, I’ve noticed that most students, myself included, are more comfortable e-mailing their professors rather than calling or meeting them in person. I agree that it is often more convenient to use text messaging or e-mail, but how do you know when it becomes too much?
While in person communication becomes less and less common, I wonder what sorts of things are being sacrificed in order to have more instant computer mediated communications. Personally, I think that conversations tend to be less personal, and less efficient when there is not face-to-face or at least phone interaction. This is not to say that all computer mediated communication is bad, but I do not think that it should be used to replace face-to-face communication.


Mike said...

I completely agree with your last statement. CMC shouldn't replace face-to-face communication but with kids being introduced to this technology at a younger and younger age. They may soon find it the norm to have CMC communication rather than face-to-face.

kpungitore said...

I feel that what we have come to as a generation is kinda sad and I am almost fearful of the generations to come. I agree with the fact that instead of asking a professor something after class, it is easier to go back to your room and e-mail him or her. I think that this is sad and we should force ourselves to use face to face communications more often.

Amanda said...

I also agree that the text messaging and e-mail’s are the most convenient way to communicate. However, I feel like in a sense everyone has taken advantage of this. Important meaning of message can be misunderstood or not understood at all because there is not face-to-face communication.

I think you draw the line when you start using these tools to avoid people. For example, the other day one of my friend called his professor to tell her he was sick and couldn’t come to class that day. During my four years of college I have never in my life heard of someone doing this. Everyone just sends an email in order to avoid speaking to their professor in person for some reason.