Sunday, December 7, 2008

Attractive Corpse

Today, there are websites for absolutely everything. During class, we discussed some of the wide variety of discussion forums, online communities, gaming sites, other media networks, and more. While there are clear benefits to having such an endless variety of online locations and services, some websites such as these are not so positive. Allowing for such extensive freedom and anonymous self expression can have some negative results as well.
I recently discovered a website called This unusual site is dedicated to assisting suicidal people with the planning of their death. The site describes its services as a wide range of ways to help their “clients” to leave a good and lasting impression through their suicide. The site actually charges for assisting with suicide location, fashion and make-up consultation, suicide note editing, photography, and choosing a method of suicide. It also features specials for couple suicides, and discounts for those who reserve their suicide date in advance during the “busy holiday season.” The site openly discusses their ability to meet their clients’ death wishes, and refuse to assist anyone who is not sincere in their suicidal desires.
While the site claims that it does not intend to glorify or promote suicide, it prides itself on charging the suicidal to assist them in killing themselves and making them look good in death. The site admits to having upset the grieving families of the suicidal, but strangely offers their condolences. I am surprised that a site centered on suicide continues to exist. I am a firm believer in the freedom of speech, but assisting a suicide is unethical. I found the site to be odd in the way they openly discuss suicide in a positive light and promote their morbid services with photos and discounts. I do not agree with what this site does, but it goes to show that there really is a website for anything.

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